David Domingo
Senior Fullstack Engineer with Frontend focus

- Frontend Dev
- Backend Dev
- Devops
- Cloud Engineering
- Leading
- Consulting
Weapons of Choice
Angular, Typescript, Java, Python and AWS

David Domingo is a Senior Fullstack Engineer with a strong focus on frontend development. He has extensive experience in a variety of technologies, including Angular, his favorite frontend framework and one of the most popular for building complex web applications. David has worked on several projects where he led the development team and architected the frontend Angular apps, demonstrating his ability to build high-quality web applications and lead development teams to success using this technology.
David's experience also includes working with NextJS(TypeScript), Postgres, AWS CDK, Springboot, Python(FastAPI) and other technologies. He is a new tech addict, passionate about programming languages, and is known for being easy-going, fun, and having a great sense of humor.
Overall, David's expertise in Angular and other technologies make him a valuable asset to any team looking to build modern, scalable web applications.
Recent Experience
Bonus Homes, Remote — Senior Software Engineer
June 2022 - March 2023
Tech Stack: NextJS, AWS CDK, Apollo GraphQL, Snowflake, Postgres, Redis, AWS EventBridge, ECS, Lambda, S3, Python, FastAPI
- The infrastructure
- The architecture
- The code
- The frontend apps, both client and internal
- Defined the whole infrastructure via AWS CDK
- Created client apps in NextJS
- Setup an eventbus architecture for our ETL pipelines
Sunday, Remote — Senior Software Engineer
Feb 2022 - May 2022
Tech Stack: ReactJS, Springboot (Java), Postgresql, GCP, Kubernetes, Redis
- Help integrate Payment Service Providers like Stripe.
- Help maintain and develop the checkout credit card form.
- Support the Toast POS integration.
- Refactored styling for the checkout process to match the design.
- Resolved several integration bugs with the Toast integration.
- Added support for Swile Mastercard detection.
Slalom, Charlotte, NC — Senior Consultant
Aug 2020 - Feb 2022
Tech Stack: Python + FastAPI, Angular, NgRx, Docker, AWS, Snowflake, Postgresql, Redis
- Leading the frontend of the internal B2B tool for the client.
- Helping client engineers get up to speed with new technology.
- Setting up project best practices for both the frontend and the backend.
- Colead of the Latino/Hispanic ERG
- Helped rewrite a Scala backend into a Python backend.
- Helped rewrite a Java Teradata data access tool into Python.
- Helped add some Teradata queries to our Java data access tool.
PayTomorrow, Cornelius, NC — Lead Developer
Dec 2017 - Aug 2020
Tech Stack: Angular, Spring boot (Java) + Spring Cloud (Java), MySQL, AWS
- Leading the development team.
- Architecting the frontend Angular apps.
- Designing and developing internal APIs and APIs for merchant integrations in Java Springboot.
- Integrating third party lenders.
- Created the new consumer finance application in Angular.
- Refactored the Monolith into a Microservice System with the help of Netflix OSS.
- Created third party lender integrations to handle all the credit spectrum via APIs.
- Created interactive documentation for Merchants and Lenders to help them easily integrate with our platform.
- Created Wordpress and Magento plugins.
- Created a CI/CD process with Bitbucket Pipelines and AWS.
Ancient Experience
Wefox, Barcelona, Spain — Senior Frontend Developer
Dec 2016 - Dec 2017
Tech Stack: Angular, Sinatra, Wordpress
- Architecting the One Insurance Angular app.
- Developing the One Insurance website.
- Developed v1 of the One Insurance web app.
- Developed v1 of the One Insurance website.
- Created an MVP with each major frontend framework to decide which one to use.
GetFinancing, Barcelona, Spain — Full Stack Developer
Jan 2016 - Dec 2016
Tech Stack: jQuery, Bootstrap, Python, Django, Twisted Python
- Improving the FrontEnd of GetFinancing's funnel, merchant portal and marketing tools.
- Implementing third party lender funnels to our funnel.
- Redesigned the customer financing application.
- Redesigned the Merchant Portal.
- Created a prototype for the new Lender underwriting engine.
MOCA Platform, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Spain — Full Stack Developer
Jan 2015 - Jan 2016
Tech Stack: Backbone.js, Marionette.js, D3.js, Highcharts.js, jQuery, Bootstrap, node.js, Wordpress, AWS
- MOCA's Console FrontEnd and node.js proxy server.
- MOCA's PhoneGap SDK.
- Setting up project best practices for both the frontend and the backend.
- Colead of the Latino/Hispanic ERG
- Implemented frontend for user segmentator with custom query builder.
- Several Analytics screens with charts built with Highcharts and D3.
And more...
La Salle Universitat Ramón Llull, Barcelona — Multimedia Engineering
La Salle Universitat Ramón Llull, Barcelona — Masters in High Performance Web Development
Spoken Languages
English, Spanish, and Catalan